玛丽迪·费希尔,DNP, MSN, RN, CPN

东区- 230



Nursing Education; Pediatric Nursing Practice; Interprofessional Education & Practice; Professional Value Development; Academic Peer Review. 


Dr. 费雪’s interest in advancing nursing practice has been career long and impacts all levels of educational preparedness for nurses. She is passionate about incorporating this concept into her teachings and clinical practice. She has over 40 years of experience in nursing, including neonatal and pediatric critical care, 还有社区教育. In addition to over a decade and a half of faculty experience, 她曾担任过护士长, 临床护理专员, 培训及教育专员, 也是一名案件经理. She has published on numerous topics related to her scholarly endeavors. During her lengthy employment at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, the hospital newsletter spoke of her unwavering commitment to the children and families for whom she provided care. She remains active on the Evidence Based Practice Council at Children’s Hospital of UPMC. She serves on Chatham University’s Interprofessional Taskforce. She has been the Principal Investigator of three IRB approved studies and a co- investigator of another. Dr. 费雪’s primary service work includes the Secretary position for the Chi Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society. She is a member of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, Sigma Theta Tau and Carlow University’s DNP 校友 Association. She has volunteer experience through her local church, primarily serving the youth population.

  • DNP, Carlow University (Pittsburgh, PA), 2011
  • School Nurse Certificate, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 2000
  • BSN, LaRoche College (Pittsburgh, PA), 1985
  • Associate Degree in Nursing, 社区 College of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh, PA), 1981
  • Cameo of Caring Recipient – Nurse Educator Award (2012)
  • O.A.S.I.S. Award recipient from Children's Hospital of UPMC (2016)
  • Recent past secretary and current member, Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society; Secretary Chi Zet Chapter
  • 儿科护士协会会员
  • Past Nominating Committee Officer, Pennsylvania League for Nursing, Area VI
  • 注册儿科护士
  • Identified Needs of Parents in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Critical Care Nurse (1994)费雪,M。.D.
  • 访问ation in Critical Care Units: Network 新闻 (1995)费雪,M。. D,
  • Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, (1997)费雪,M。.D.
  • A Comparison of Professional Value Development Among Pre-Licensure Nursing Students in Associate Degree, 文凭, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programs: Nursing Education Perspectives, 费舍尔(2014), M. D.
  • 罗伯,M., & 费舍尔,米.D. (2015).Functionality tools: Time management approaches for facilitating an online course in Moodle. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 10, 196–199. doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.teln.2015.05.002
  • 霍普金斯,E.罗柏先生.费雪,M。.D.斯莱德,J.美国新泽西州沃斯科市.斯帕达罗,K., & 新风,M.(2016). Honor society membership retention strategies: Promoting membership benefits from induction through transition to professional practice. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(12), 18-23. DOI: 10.5430 / jnep.v6n12p18
  • Ullman F. & 费舍尔,米.D. (2017). Application of the EBP Process: Maximizing Lactation 支持 with Minimal Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 33, 97-100. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2017.01.003
  • 霍普金斯,E.斯帕达罗,K.沃尔特·L.美国新泽西州沃斯科市.费雪,M。.D. & 4格,年代. (2017) Incivility in the Online Classroom: A Guide for Policy Development. 护理学刊,52(4),306-312. doi: 10.1111 / nuf.12205
  • 费舍尔,米.D. & 罗伯,M. (2017). Student Moderator: A Practical Application Exercise. Journal of Nursing Education, 56, (6), 383. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20170518-13
  • 费舍尔,米.D. 等. (2017). Perceptions of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Patient/Family Satisfaction. 跨专业教育杂志 & 练习,8,306 -312. doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2017.07.004
  • 多样的演讲主题, 在当地, 区域, national and international levels prior to employment at Chatham.
  • “Professional Value Development in Pre- licensure (ADN, 文凭, and BSN) Nursing Students”, at St. Margaret Annual 研究 Conference on May 23, 2014.
  • Perceptions of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and the Correlation with Patient & Family Satisfaction Scores – Podium Presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International 43rd Biennial Convention on November 10, 2015.
  • Connecting the Dots: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice; Patient and Family Satisfaction Scores; and Implications for Practice – Poster Presentation at CHP 7th Annual 研究 Conference on May 6, 2016.
  • Interprofessional Perceptions of Collaboration in a Pediatric Hospital Setting: An Academic/ Practice 研究 Partnership at 9th National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference. 2016年10月5日至7日.
  • Functionality Tools: Time Management Approaches for Facilitating an Online Course in Moodle at World Congress on Nursing and Nursing Education on September 7-9, 2017.
  • Application of EBP Process: Maximizing Lactation 支持 with Minimal Education at World Congress on Nursing and Nursing Education on September 7-9, 2017.
  • Student Moderator On-Line Activity: Why, What and How! at Magna Teaching with Technology Conference on October 5 – 8, 2017.
  • Perceptions of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and the Correlation with Patient and Family Satisfaction Scores at Greater Pittsburgh Nursing 研究 Conference on October 20, 2017.
  • Professional Nursing 值 Development: Are We Doing Enough? 在9月12日至14日举行的NLN教育峰会上.